Where is the school located
It is located in Ohanajaya, Katsushika Ward. The nearest stations are Kameari Station and Ohanajaya Station.
How many students are there?
There are about 600 students as of December 2019
What is the age group of the students?
There are many twenties and thirties.
Please tell me about the entrance and learning period
For student visas, you can enroll in January, April, July, October and register for one year or more, up to two years.
There are also cases where you can graduate in a minimum of 1 year and 3 months.
Please tell me about the nationality of the students
The nationality ratio as of July 2017 is 40% in China, 25% in Vietnam, 10% in Sri Lanka, 10% in Nepal, 15% in other countries, 10 countries in all.
What kind of extracurricular learning do you have other than Japanese lessons?
Disaster museum, parliament building, Japanese history museum, etc. There are extra-curricular lessons.
What should I bring when entering the country?
Passport, visa, admission letter, money, medicine etc. It is desirable to bring over 300,000 yen for living expenses for the time being.
Can I choose a dormitory?
You can choose the dorm in advance.
What is the indoor facility in the dormitory
There is a refrigerator, a bed, desk for PC, chair, closet, TV, etc. Also internet is available.
Can we rent an apartment rather than moving in the school dormitry?
We recommend to to move in the dormitory of the school, it is okay for you to rent an apartment on your own or share rooms with your friends.
Is there a scholarship system?
Yes. For details, please refer to the homepage's scholarship page.
Please tell me the requirement conditions for scholarship.
Any student who has attended more than half a year and has excellent grades can apply for a scholarship.